Land Use Planning involves deciding what land uses should take place where and the terms and conditions to guide these uses over time.
Petr Cizek is a founding Director of the Dehcho Land Use Planning Committee and served as a representative for the Dehcho First Nations on the Board for ten years. He directed staff towards the completion of a draft plan in 2006 and then negotiated revisions with the federal and territorial governments during five more years. Dr. Cizek continues to provide technical support to the Dehcho First Nations as the plan moves towards final approval.
For the proposed 14,250 square km Edéhzhíe National Wildlife Area, Petr Cizek facilitated two on-the-land workshops and edited the first ecological background report in 2001. This protected area was established as Canada's first Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area in 2018. A management plan is now being developed for a National Wildlife Area.
Starting in 2000, Petr Cizek also served as a representative for the Dehcho First Nations on the Naha Dehe Consensus Team, which prepared an ecological integrity statement and management plan for Nahanni National Park Reserve that was approved by the Canadian Parliament in 2004. He then served on the Nahanni Expansion Working Group co-ordinating mapping and ecological studies, which resulted in more than a six-fold expansion of Nahanni National Park Reserve to over 30,000 square km. For his contribution to the preservation of Canada's natural heritage, Petr Cizek was granted the Parks Canada CEO's Award of Excellence in 2009.
In Fort Chipewyan, Alberta, the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation and the Mikisew Cree First Nation commissioned CIZEK ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES to review and critique the Alberta government's draft Lower Athabasca Regional Plan. Dr. Cizek advised the Mikisew Cree First Nation in the development of their own land use plan and protected area proposals, which contributed to the establishment of the 1,600 square km Kitaskino Nuwenëné Wildland Provincial Park in 2019.