Book chapters
Cizek, P. (2007). Scouring Scum and Tar from the Bottom of the Pit in C. Gonick (ed.) Energy Security and Climate Change: A Canadian Primer. Fernwood Publishing, Black Point, Nova Scotia.
Cizek, P. (2007). From the Bottom of the Pit in F. Dubois, M. Tessier, & D. Widgington. (ed.) EXTRACTION! Comix Reportage. Cumulus Press, Montreal. (Dialogues for an illustrated comic-style book about mining).
Maps in books
Laxer, G. (2015). After the Sands: Energy and Ecological Security for Canadians. Douglas and McKintyre, Madeira Park, BC. p. 161, 162, 164, 165, 168, 169. (Maps about historical, existing, and proposed North American pipeline networks)
Strahler, A. and O.W. Archibold. (2011). Physical Geography: Science and Systems of the Human Environment. Fifth Canadian Edition. John Wiley, Toronto. p. 8. (Map of cumulative development of Alberta tar sands open pit mines)
Amnesty International. (2010). From Homeland to Oil Sands: The Impact of Oil and Gas Development on the Lubicon Cree. Amnesty International Canada, Ottawa. pp 5-7. (Maps about cumulative development of oil/gas and logging)
Tobias, T. (2009). Living Proof: The Essential Data-Collection Guide for Indigenous Use-and-Occupancy Surveys. Ecotrust Canada and Union of BC Indian Chiefs, Vancouver. pp. 387-388. (Maps about density analysis of traditional land use data).
Nikiforuk, A. (2008). Tar Sands: Dirty Oil and the Future of a Continent. Greystone Books, Vancouver. pp. 204-207. (Maps about existing and proposed North American pipeline networks)
Clarke, T. (2008). Tar Sands Showdown: Canada and the New Politics of Oil in an Age of Climate Change. Lorimer, Toronto. p. 145. (Maps about existing and proposed North American pipeline networks)